Saturday, December 31, 2011

Why FanBox is important?

Personal View
    It’s true. I also tried it, for the first time, for money.  Everyone thought that, for sure.   But later I discovered lots of things, and I came in contact with lots of brilliant people, the FanBox team and other FanBox users. By that time, I had started spending more time in FanBox and I had learned lots of things, which I would like to share with you in this blog.
  • FanBox is not a affiliate program or an online market/job.
  • FanBox is not a get rich quick scheme.
Where is the proof?
    Millions of people are using FanBox. Many people have achieved success in FanBox and they have their own success stories to tell. The FanBox Team, themselves, provide us their support and help us to improve ourselves. They share new ideas and lots of things which can make us more productive. The most interesting part is that they ask for our suggestions to make changes, also, and I like that the most about FanBox.

Now do you think a scammer would do all those things?
- You can give me your answer in the comment.

Why FanBox?
  FanBox is a community that is making a change. FanBox is helping people like us to work for a change, to help the global problems which we are facing. People are divided into rich and poor. Rich are getting richer, and the poor are always at the same place.
 Watch Video
As I mentioned above, I also tried it for money the first time, but now I am doing it for the revolution and to help my favorite charitable cause.  We can also fulfill our needs from FanBox, and we should not hesitate because the money comes from the time we spend in FanBox, sharing our knowledge. We are not scamming here.  We are helping others and we are needed by one another.

    People spread rumors that FanBox is a scam, because "they" aren't successful in it. So, to my blog readers, this is my request - that you do not say that it is a scam "before" you take the time to learn more about it and follow the successful members advice.
Thanks For Reading

Charitable Cause : Cause We are Humans

Before you throw away the leftover food from your bowl, please think about the people starving.

In Africa and elsewhere in the world, there are children starving.
Let us not forget, every second, they have a child die of hunger.
As a human, it is our duty to help the mankind. That's what we learned in our secondary school. And we should follow what we learned. They are also human, no different from us.
Now FanBox has made it easy for us to help them. Let's share love and care for our brothers and sisters living in a different land.
This global issue should be raised and we should protect all of mankind and kick away the suffering because we are human.