Saturday, December 31, 2011

Charitable Cause : Cause We are Humans

Before you throw away the leftover food from your bowl, please think about the people starving.

In Africa and elsewhere in the world, there are children starving.
Let us not forget, every second, they have a child die of hunger.
As a human, it is our duty to help the mankind. That's what we learned in our secondary school. And we should follow what we learned. They are also human, no different from us.
Now FanBox has made it easy for us to help them. Let's share love and care for our brothers and sisters living in a different land.
This global issue should be raised and we should protect all of mankind and kick away the suffering because we are human.


meriem133 said...

very nice blogs ali good work and good luck my friend

iRose said...

very great design,
and much info about fanbox i got from here!
great job!

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